4 Easy-Peasy Steps to Know Audience Active Times on TikTok

Do you want to know your audience’s active times on TikTok? Are you curious to know how to do that? Then, you are in the right place! In this extensive post, we’ll walk you through four quick steps to find out when your audience is online. 

Undoubtedly, TikTok is one of the rapidly surging social media platforms. The app continues to power up and offers an unparalleled opportunity to unleash your creativity. That said, it is crucial to understand that timing is important and know the audience’s active time to get better engagement.

On the flip side, many opt to buy TikTok likes to get instant traction and expedite getting high engagement! Now, let’s delve deeper into the topic! 

Why Is It Critical To Find The Audience’s Active Time On TikTok?

Finding out the audience’s active time is way more important than you think! Why is it so? To attain the desired results and get featured on the For You page! Simply put, imagine you exert hard toils and time to develop content and share it on TikTok. Even after a long time, you didn’t see any sign of engagement. It is so disappointing, right? That’s why knowing the ideal time to post comes into the picture! Posting when your audience is active reaps immense traction and high engagement. 

How To Know The Audience’s Active Times On TikTok?

Here comes the crux of the matter! Figuring out the audience’s active times on TikTok is as easy as ABC! Let’s unveil the steps one step at a time. To know the active time, you should switch to a TikTok pro account. Here are the steps to be followed: 

Steps To Switch To A Pro Account On Smartphone 

Step 1: Lamp up the TikTok app and head to the Manage My Account page by clicking the three dots at the top right navigation. 

Step 2: Now, dab on the Switch to Pro Account button. 

Step 3: Subsequently, pick your business category and hit Done! 

Steps To Switch To A Pro Account On A PC

Step 1: Sign in to your TikTok profile through TikTok.com. You can also login promptly using tiktok.com/analytics if you are already logged in. 

Step 2: Head to the Profile option and choose View Analytics. 

Step 3: Next, hover over the profile Business Suite and click Ok. 

Steps To Know The Audience Active Times On TikTok

Step 1: Once you switch to a pro account, go to the profile picture at the right corner of the display. 

Step 2: Next, dab on the three lines at the top right navigation. 

Step 3: Then, pop on Creator tools and click on Analytics.

Step 4: Now, click on the Followers and avail of extensive data on your audience’s most active times!  

3 Crucial Tips To Make The Most Of The Audience Time On TikTok

01 Hop On Trends And Challenges 

The best and most effective way to make the most of the audience’s active time is to hop on the trends and challenges. Since trends and challenges are like the livelihood of TikTok, you can expand exponentially in a flash! To set yourself apart, include your unique twist and deliver your version of the trend to your audience. Additionally, to get your content viral, get help from TikViral, a popular and reputed growth service provider! 

02 Follow The Three-Second Rule 

Since the user base is vast and thousands of videos are uploaded daily, you should go the extra mile to pique the audience’s interest. So, hook your audience within the first few seconds to gain their attention without a hitch! When you grab their attention, it entices them to watch what’s next. On the other hand, don’t try to link-bait your audience, as it creates a negative perception and ends up skipping your video. 

03 Interact With Your Audience 

To make the most out of the audience’s active time, what’s a better way rather than engaging with your audience? It is the ideal time to increase engagement in your profile. So, whenever you come across comments and DMs, don’t forget to reply. Furthermore, often go Live to foster real-time communication. When done correctly, it creates a feeling of belonging and helps to develop deep connections on the platform. 

 To Wrap It Up

And there you go! Determining the audience’s active time on TikTok is as easy as winking! As a jackpot, you got a bunch of tips to make the most out of the perfect timing! While all these are great, don’t forget to exert unwavering perseverance until you get it! What’s more, head to TikTok, find the ideal time, implement effective tips, and gaze upon the wondrous improvement in your engagement! So, put your skates on & level up your TikTok game!


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